A Caregiver’s Guide: How to Receive Compensation After a Brain Injury?

Posted on July 5, 2023 in Personal Injury

Acting as caregiver for a loved one who has suffered a brain injury is emotionally and physically draining. Not only do you have to provide emotional support, but you may also need to manage medical appointments, rehabilitation, and the injured individual’s daily needs. Caregiving can become a full-time job, making it difficult for families to cope with the corresponding financial burden.

A brain injury lawyer helps caregivers and their loved ones find peace of mind during this difficult time. Your attorney can obtain compensation to cover the costs of caregiving, medical expenses, and lost income, ultimately easing your financial and emotional strain.

Understanding Brain Injuries

A brain injury can influence every aspect of a person’s life, affecting their ability to walk, talk, think, and even exhibit emotional control. The type of brain injury you deal with and its cause can affect the process of recovering compensation for caregivers.

Types of Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when an external force, such as a blow or jolt to the head, disrupts the brain’s normal functions. The severity of a TBI ranges from mild, resulting in a concussion, to severe, causing significant brain damage.

An acquired brain injury (ABI) is an injury to the brain that occurs after birth and is not due to an external force. ABIs can result from illnesses, infections, oxygen deprivation, or exposure to toxic substances.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Experienced Lawyer for Brain Injury near PhoenixCar accidents are one of the leading causes of TBIs, as victims may suffer head injuries from direct impact or whiplash. TBIs are statistically the top cause of death and disability after a road traffic collision, with researchers finding that approximately seven out of 10 car accidents involve a head injury.

Slips, trips, and falls are other major causes of brain injuries, particularly in older adults and young children. Trips and falls are the underlying factors behind 50 percent of brain injury-related hospitalizations in the United States.

Sports injuries also lead to many brain injuries. Of the millions of brain injury cases that neurosurgeons see each year, sports and recreational activities cause 10 percent of TBIs. When narrowing this research down to children and young adults, who tend to be more involved in sports, the number rises to more than 21 percent.

Medical malpractice is, unfortunately, more common than many people may think. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine found that medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States. Brain injuries may occur because of medical malpractice due to anesthesia errors, birth injuries, or surgical mistakes.

Symptoms and Long-Term Effects of Brain Injuries

A brain injury can have long-lasting effects on your loved one as the one who suffered it and you and your family as caregivers.

The following are examples of long-term effects:

  • Brain injuries may cause difficulties in memory, attention, language, and problem-solving. Such cognitive impairments can make it challenging for individuals to manage their daily lives without assistance.
  • TBIs and ABIs can result in paralysis, muscle weakness, balance problems, and other physical issues that require ongoing medical care and assistance with daily activities.
  • Brain injuries may affect a person’s mood, leading to depression, anxiety, and irritability. Behavioral changes can also lead to impulsivity, aggression, and social inappropriateness, further complicating the caregiving process.

Your personal injury lawyer will work with medical professionals to assess the severity of a brain injury and the necessary support your loved one requires. Understanding the specific needs of the injured individual will better prepare your attorney to advocate for appropriate compensation to cover caregiving expenses.

The Role of Caregivers in the Recovery Process

A crucial component of the recovery process for individuals with brain injuries is the support and care from caregivers. These caregivers ensure the brain-injured person receives appropriate medical care, assistance with daily activities, and emotional support.

In many cases, family members assume the role of caregivers for their loved ones. They may provide full- or part-time care, depending on the severity of the brain injury and the necessary level of support.

Families may also hire full- or part-time professional caregivers, such as home health aides, nurses, or personal care assistants, to provide support for individuals with brain injuries. These professionals perform medical procedures, assist with activities of daily living, and provide emotional support.


Responsibilities of Caregivers

Caregivers are responsible for ensuring that the individual with a brain injury receives proper medical care, including coordinating and attending doctor appointments, managing medications, and monitoring for changes in symptoms.

Caregivers may also need to help with tasks, such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and mobility, depending on the extent of the brain injury and its effects on the individual’s physical capabilities.

Providing emotional support is another crucial aspect of caregiving, as individuals with brain injuries may struggle with frustration, anger, and sadness due to their cognitive and physical changes.

Challenges That Caregivers Face

It is no secret that caregivers have a lot on their plate.

They may face several daunting challenges at once as they strive to provide adequate care for their loved ones, including:

  • The financial cost of caregiving: Lost income due to time spent caring for the injured person, ongoing medical expenses, and the potential need for home modifications or specialized equipment can burden caregivers and their families.
  • The emotional toll of caregiving: Many caregivers report feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety, affecting their own well-being and ability to provide care.
  • The time costs associated with caregiving: Providing care often requires a significant time commitment, leaving family members with limited time for personal or professional pursuits.

A lawyer can help alleviate these challenges by advocating for fair compensation to cover caregiving expenses and working closely with caregiving experts to establish a comprehensive care plan. This support can ensure the injured individual and their caregivers have the resources necessary for an optimal recovery process.

Establishing Negligence in a Brain Injury Case

One of the most important steps in receiving fair compensation for caregiving expenses in a brain injury case is to establish negligence on the part of the responsible party.

This process involves proving that the party owed a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused the injury and damages that the victim suffered. A personal injury lawyer will navigate this process for you and gather the necessary evidence to build a strong case.

Duty of Care

The duty of care refers to the legal obligation one person must act reasonably and avoid causing harm to another. A driver, for example, has a duty of care to operate their vehicle safely, while a doctor’s duty of care is to provide appropriate medical treatment for their patients.

Breach of Duty

A breach of duty occurs when the responsible party fails to uphold their duty of care, whether through negligent or reckless actions. A breach in a brain injury case may include a driver speeding, a doctor making a surgical error, or a property owner failing to address hazards that cause a fall.


Causation means proving that the responsible party’s breach of duty directly caused brain injury and subsequent damages. This essential element may require expert testimony and evidence, such as medical records and accident reconstruction, to establish the connection between the breach of duty and the injury.


A lawyer must demonstrate the extent and nature of the damage to the brain-injured individual. These damages may include medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and the cost of caregiving. A personal injury lawyer will work with medical professionals, economists, and rehabilitation specialists to accurately quantify current and future caregiving expenses to ensure you obtain the proper compensation.

By establishing negligence and proving the link between the responsible party’s actions and the brain injury, an experienced personal injury attorney can help recover the necessary funds to support caregiving expenses and help alleviate the financial burden on the injured individual and their family.

Developing a Life Care Plan

A life care plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the needs and expenses associated with the ongoing care of an individual with a brain injury. This plan is vital for ensuring that the injured person receives the necessary support throughout their lifetime and is an essential part of the legal process when seeking compensation for caregiving expenses.

Assessing the Victim’s Needs

Developing a life care plan begins with a thorough assessment of the brain-injured individual’s needs, including assessing their medical condition, physical and cognitive abilities, and necessary support services. A team of professionals, including medical experts, rehabilitation specialists, and occupational therapists, may conduct this assessment.

Estimating Future Medical and Caregiving Expenses

Once the responsible party determines the individual’s needs, their life care plan must include estimates for future medical and caregiving expenses. These expenses may involve calculating costs for medical treatments, therapies, medications, professional caregiving services, and medical equipment.

The plan should also account for the potential loss of income resulting from time spent caring for the brain-injured individual in the case of family caregivers.

Adjusting for Inflation and Other Factors

A comprehensive life care plan must also consider such factors as inflation, changes in medical technology, and potential alterations in the individual’s condition.

These variables can significantly influence the cost of care over time, and the responsible party must make adjustments in the plan to ensure that the individual receives adequate funds to cover caregiving expenses throughout their lifetime.

A personal injury attorney may collaborate with the team of professionals responsible for developing the life care plan, ensuring that they consider all necessary factors and that the resulting plan accurately represents the brain injury victim’s needs.

They can then use this life care plan as evidence to support the compensation claim. The plan can ultimately help secure the necessary funds to cover caregiving expenses and provide a high quality of life for the injured individual and their family.

Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases

The statute of limitations establishes the time limit within which an individual must file a claim. Your lawyer can help to ensure that you file the claim within the required time frame and advise on any factors that may affect the statute of limitations.

Settlement Negotiations and Litigation

Recovering compensation for caregiving expenses in a brain injury case typically involves settlement negotiations and, if necessary, litigation. A personal injury lawyer can guide the victim and their caregivers through these stages, advocating on their behalf and using their experience to help secure an acceptable outcome.

Negotiating With Responsible Parties and Insurance Companies

The initial stage of seeking compensation often involves negotiating with the responsible parties, usually individuals, businesses, or insurance companies.

A brain injury lawyer can handle these negotiations, using their knowledge of the law and experience in dealing with insurance companies to advocate for the victim’s best interests. They will work to gather evidence, develop a strong argument for compensation, and negotiate with the responsible parties to reach a fair settlement.

Preparing for Trial

Responsible parties settle most personal injury cases before going to trial. If they cannot reach a fair settlement through negotiation, however, your personal injury lawyer can help you decide whether to pursue the case through litigation.

This process involves preparing the case for trial, gathering additional evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with experts who can help build a compelling case to present in court.

Presenting the Case in Court

Your personal injury lawyer will present the case at trial before a judge or jury. They will share evidence and expert testimony to demonstrate the severity of the injury, the extent of the necessary caregiving services, and the financial and emotional effect on the caregivers and victim.

Your brain injury lawyer will work tirelessly throughout the trial to secure the maximum compensation available for caregiving expenses and other damages.

Robert W. Boatman - Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer for Personal Injury Cases in Phoenix, AZ area

Robert W. Boatman, Personal Injury Lawyer Attorney in Phoenix, AZ 

An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Get the Compensation You Need

Seeking legal assistance is crucial for both brain injury victims and their caregivers. If you are in a caregiving situation, you should not have to navigate the complex process of recovering compensation yourself.

With a personal injury attorney in Phoenix, you can secure the financial resources necessary to provide the highest level of care possible and alleviate the many burdens associated with supporting a brain-injured individual.