How does COVID-19 affect your claim?

Posted on April 2, 2020 in COVID-19

With the global coronavirus pandemic, many business have ceased work.  Under Governor Ducey’s order, lawyers and legal services are considered “essential” and we continue to work on your case.  While many courts have gone to telephonic hearings and videoconferencing, they remain open (sometimes via remote sources such as secure DropBox links) for filing.  

For cases already in litigation, there will likely be some slow down as the lawyers and courts scramble to find remote ways of conducting hearings and discovery.  We at Gallagher & Kennedy have shifted to videoconferencing for most meetings, depositions and other “in person” events so that we can continue to work for our clients while keeping our clients, staff and colleagues safe.

We are here for you during this crisis.  Don’t hesitate to call with any questions.  602.530.8400.