Category: COVID-19

How Will COVID-19 Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Posted on July 20, 2020 in COVID-19,Personal Injury

Among the many things COVID-19 has changed is the civil justice system. With no in-person hearings or jury trials during the pandemic, the courts in Arizona are backed up with delayed and postponed cases. Courthouses, judges and attorneys are doing everything they can, however, to continue resolving personal injury cases remotely during this time. Limited…

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How does COVID-19 affect your claim?

Posted on April 2, 2020 in COVID-19

With the global coronavirus pandemic, many business have ceased work.  Under Governor Ducey’s order, lawyers and legal services are considered “essential” and we continue to work on your case.  While many courts have gone to telephonic hearings and videoconferencing, they remain open (sometimes via remote sources such as secure DropBox links) for filing.   For cases already…

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Nursing Homes and Covid-19

Posted on April 2, 2020 in COVID-19

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts the entire nation, the elderly and infirm are especially at risk. The facilities that take care of our loved ones must be even more vigilant than before. Some are stepping up and adopting measures to reduce the risk of exposure to their patients Others, unfortunately, are not. If you have…

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