Category: Pedestrian Accidents

Do I Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney?

Posted on July 1, 2024 in Pedestrian Accidents

If a car hits you or a loved one while walking, you may wonder if you must hire a pedestrian accident attorney. In most cases, yes, working with an experienced Phoenix pedestrian accident lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your case. Schedule A Free Consultation Today! Understanding Pedestrian Accidents A pedestrian…

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What Are Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

Posted on September 8, 2023 in Pedestrian Accidents

Walking is a healthy exercise and a way to get around for many. Walking, however, puts individuals at risk of a pedestrian accident. Every year, thousands of Americans experience this terrifying reality. Pedestrian accidents are a pervasive issue across the United States and can result in various injuries with permanent consequences for victims. As a…

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What Are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Posted on September 5, 2023 in Pedestrian Accidents

The rising incidents of pedestrian accidents across the globe have sparked a critical conversation about the risk of injury and fatality to victims. A vast number of people suffer the effects of traffic accidents every year, and many of these victims are pedestrians. As a pedestrian accident victim, you must pinpoint the causes of your…

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How Long Do Pedestrian Accident Claims Take to Settle?

Posted on September 1, 2023 in Pedestrian Accidents

A pedestrian accident is disconcerting, disruptive, and life-altering for the victim involved. Such an incident can catapult an individual on a walk into a cyclone of legal and medical challenges. The legal process following an injury sustained in a pedestrian accident often entails filing a pedestrian accident claim—a procedure many find bewildering and time-consuming. By…

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